Spring is generally the most popular time of year to sell a house, with hordes of buyers looking to move into a new place before the school year begins. But if you decide to sell your home during the winter, experts say you could reap a reward.

Since spring is the most popular home-selling season, the housing market is crowded with options at that time of year. And if you paid attention during Econ 101, you understand the law of supply and demand.

In the winter, there are fewer homes for sale. That competition over low inventory can make winter an ideal time to sell your home.
Selling in the winter also gives you the opportunity to show that a home is designed to handle the harsh elements. Plus, during winter months, homes with features like fireplaces and hot tubs are certainly more appealing.

Winter brings out the serious buyers. Not everyone looking at houses intends to make a purchase. Some people are contemplating moving and may just want to see what’s on the market. Since more homes tend to go on the market in spring and fall, this is also when window shoppers are likely to be out looking.
You could also encounter buyers who are relocating for a job.
“One of the biggest months for corporate relocation is January/February, so those buyers, who need to move quickly, are out in full force looking for new homes,” according to article shown on Realtor.com.

Relocators typically have a limited amount of time to uproot their families and, as a result, don’t have the luxury of spending a lot of time looking at properties. The kids need to get settled into school and dealing with selling their old home can add another level of urgency and stress. So, it’s likely that once they find a home that meets their requirements, these buyers will be ready to sign on the dotted line.

When selling your home, give Swanson Real Estate at call at 630-553-3333 or 815-786-9418 or leave a message below.


Resource:  Realtor.com 


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